THIS JUST HAPPENED: A Teenager Found Photos of Her Dad Playing With Kurt Cobain in Nirvana's First Concert Ever

When I was a kid, I used to watch movies about young girls who suddenly found out they were princesses and be very sad that my family was so regular. Not just regular in that we are regular people, but regular in that we are boring and boring in that neither my parents nor my grandparents went off and had illicit affairs with European royalty before returning to their everyday lives with little babies secretly forming in their uteri. Sure, coming from a totally stable family environment was great for my sense of security and ability to love and trust others, but it meant I would never be plucked out of my everyday life and have this amazing reality thrust upon me!

The little teenager inside me had a similar twinge seeing this photo posted by young @Maggs.

Not only was Maggs' dad a rocker in Seattle in the 90s who played with Nirvana in their early days (already jealous), but he was on stage with Kurt Cobain AND played with them at their first show. Ever. Turns out what she thought was just a cool pick of her dad and Kurt Cobain was actually the only known photographic evidence of their first concert.

Meanwhile, up in Abbotsford in the 90s, my dad worked in agriculture and my mom was a nurse and I was taking ballet lessons once a week after school. So. Ordinary. (PS: Mom and dad, I love you lots and I would never trade you for anyone, even that guy who played with Kurt Cobain. Thanks for the ballet lessons.)

Via Rolling Stone.

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