So this is where the day goes...

Sometimes I wonder how my coworkers judge me based on the snippets of non-work I do on my computer all day. I'm guessing this is what they see (in order from most likely or frequent, to least likely or frequent):

-news sites (NY Times, BBC, CBC)
-blog (that hopefully they think is just some other email and they don't know where to find my blog because, well, awkward)
-Go Fug Yourself
-webcomics: Fart Party, xkcd, Toothpaste for Dinner, and now (NEW!!!) Jessica McLeod's comics
-Gmail (only ranks so low only because it's more of a passing-through point with notifications for things like Facebook and the news updates I subscribe to)
-spider solitaire
-psych research news sites
-Post Secret
-DIY/how to websites
-Blackle searches (Blackle is the new Google y'all!)
-money making schemes
-various song lyrics I've looked up
-guitar chords for pop songs (very useful to look up at work, obviously, because I can practice right now)
-university grad school programs
-A Softer World
-recipes for things with vegetables

I guess there's not much to make of it... except I have a feeling they're baffled by the web comics.

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