This Week's "I want to go to there": I kind want to visit outer space! Who's in? We can go in on gas. |
This is just stunning.,
Frozen soap bubbles from ZALUSKArt on Vimeo.
Gross Dog Art
I am loving this beautiful, fun, and weird art by Holly Lucero. Check out her Gross Dog Art Tumblr for more.
Gross Dog Art by Holly Lucero |
Moon Cycles
There is something sort of hypnotic and captivating about this chart of the moon cycles in 2017. Sort of like looking at the moon, I guess? Download it for free at 72 Hours American Power.
Being Better
If you're still wondering how you can be a better person, here are some ideas. It's a lot to do all at once (I have a hard time remembering all 10 Commandments, let alone all this!), but pick one that sticks out to you and try that. See how it goes.
Alternatively, if you need a lower-pressure way to feel like a better person this year, remember: you are taller than a flea! That is something! Take joy in the little details.
Posted on Reddit by DashingLassie |
Magnetic Lamp
Love the simple and seemingly-magical design of the Heng Balance Lamp.
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