Learning! Roundup: We May Be Always Online, But We Don't Want Everyone to Know It (also, drunk animals, smart teens, and more!)

A photo of a black woman standing in a crowd at some kind of event - maybe a club - she is holding a drink in one hand and her phone in another
Photo by Tobias Nii Kwatei Quartey

Always Online

You know how many apps have these indicators that show everyone whether or not you are online? WELL! If you've ever changed your behaviour because of these status indicators, you're not alone. From changing the app settings to hide our online status to going on just to check if someone else is online to going online and then off very quickly, most of us let these indicators drive how we relate online. Interestingly, it's most common that we do all this for the sake of one person who we are trying to avoid or check up on.

Drunk Animals

Ever wonder which animals can hold their liquor? Honestly, I haven't, but I am now tickled to have this information. Apparently, animals who consume fruit as a significant part of their diets are more likely to successfully break down alcohol enzymes without getting tipsy.

Smartypants Teens

Most people have a tendency to think they are smarter than they actually are, but here's a fun twist: teenagers who rate their own intelligence as higher are not only more likely to be narcissistic, but are more likely to be happy with their lives. Interestingly, there is a gender difference: teen boys have a stronger relationship between their self-rated intelligence, narcissism, and life satisfaction. Honestly, I'm not surprised that the girls were less likely to have this inflated view and happiness to go with it - we're not trained to see ourselves as smart and bound for greatness to the same level as boys!

Hearing Voices

Two-thirds of authors can actually hear their characters speak in their heads - some can actually enter into a dialogue with those characters.

Bias in Media

If a mega-corporation gets caught doing something inappropriate, like breaking environmental regulations or corruption, that's news, right? Perhaps unsurprisingly, it depends on whether or not they have a vested interest in the media company doing the reporting. A new analysis of 1,054 instances of corporate social irresponsibility shows that media outlets use their own interest, including advertising spending, to decide whether or not they cover these events.

Selfish Memories

We all like to think of ourselves as kind and generous people. So our memories help us out with that. Turns out that selfish people actually remember themselves as being more benevolent than they actually are, which helps them feel better about themselves as people.

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