Learning! Roundup: When You Lose Your Religion, You May Not Lose the Whole Thing (also, conscientious psychopaths, guessing people's age, and more!)

A photo of a bunch of tiny Virgin Mary statues lined up on shelves to purchase.
Photo by thom masat.

Losing My Religion (But Only a Little)

People who were once religious and now are not carry some "residue" of their religion with them through the rest of life. The good news is that this generally takes the form of some pretty positive behaviours, like volunteerism or caring about a group's success over an individual's.

Conscientious Psychopaths

Despite psychopaths being associated with violent or criminal behaviour, there's actually a good number who are "successful" at life (defining success as not committing crimes or being violent, I guess?). The thing that sets them apart is higher conscientiousness. This allows the more positive traits of psychopathology (like their dang charm) to shine and help them go places in life.

Guessing Age

Where do you look when you try to guess someone's age? Apparently, you'll probably spend most of your time looking around their mouth and neck. Not that staring at someone to guess their age is something that really needs to be done very often. Or at all.

Bodies Online

There has been a lot of research showing how women's bodies are depicted online, but not much looking at what is out there for men. A new study shows that men face the same kinds of images as women on Instagram influencer posts, with most being lean, muscular, white men.

The Gamers Are Alright

A 6-year longitudinal study shows that 90% of gamers are not addicted and are totally fine, even if it seems like they play a lot. Within that 90% are a group who started the study showing "moderate" symptoms of problematic gaming that never got worse, so even if it seems like someone is getting a bit too into their games, chances are they will be fine!

Toxic Masculinity Strikes Again

Since feelings in and of themselves are perceived as being gendered, apparently, men can't even be happy without having their sexuality questioned. Men who are happier are more likely to be perceived as gay, whereas women have a greater range of emotional expressions available to them without threatening their sexual identity.

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