I Want a Beehive in My House, but I'm Scared

You can now keep a beehive in your home.


-they are probably noisy
-what if you don't even get any bees?
-what if the bees escape?
-what if it turns out that all beehives are networked into one giant, global hive and there is a queen bee and she is BIG and she comes looking for her minions?
-am I home when that happens?


-I love honey and am absurdly picky about the source of my honey (only that which comes from my aunt and uncle's bee farm will do), and this honey could also be good, or at least good enough to fill the void between visits from them
-they are kind of attractive in design
-they would definitely be a conversation starter
-what if it turns out that all beehives are networked to one giant, global hive and there is a queen bee and she is super GRATEFUL to me for taking such good care of some of her babies in a time when bees are under threat and dying everywhere and rewards me with a lifetime supply of QUEEN BEE HONEY?

So... I do have more upsides than downsides, but the downsides are pretty powerful in their very nature.

My boyfriend recommended that instead of filling our home with terrifying bees, I get some nice, friendly flies, which is an entirely useless suggestion. Bees make delicious honey! Flies do nothing but get in your face and microscopically poop on your food.

Image Source: Giphy

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