Inspiration! Roundup: Giving Back, Frozen, Tiny Bits of Joy, and More

A roundup of inspirational things, including an Albert Einstein quote about giving back, frozen, a mini forest, and more!
This Week's "I want to go to there": Gimme some not-too-scary, spooky, Halloween fun!
Photo by Colton Sturgeon.

Giving Back

“A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer lives are based on the labors of other people, living and dead, and I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving.”
– Albert Einstein

A few years ago at Thanksgiving, I came to a similar realization - that I owed pretty much everything in my life to the input from others. There is so much to be grateful, and so much to give back.


Tiny Bits of Joy

This photo made me smile so freaking big. I love it when people insert whimsy into daily life.

Julie Cockburn

I can't seem to get enough of artwork that partners old photography with crafting. Here's Julie Cockburn's take.

Flipping the Script

I love this series of photos taking sexist scripts for women and making them powerful. IT'S SO GREAT!

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