This Week in Church: Tolerance, intolerance, and tearing down walls

Welcome to the series wherein I share my take-aways from church. The things that, I think, are beneficial to all of us to know or think about, whether or not we believe in any church-related things.

I think that church can teach things that are beneficial to everyone, whether or not we believe in church-related things.

This week in church we talked about tolerance, intolerance, and tearing down walls.

We talked about how to build walls between us and what it means to tear them down. That victimization and interrogation and polarization are symptoms of both supremacy behaviour and traumatized behaviour (as per Sarah Schulman).

We talked about how Jesus dying was an example of major reconciliation. Not just to God, but to each other. He lived in a world of oppression and betrayal and, when he was betrayed, died instead of fighting back to show us what the path we were on lead to. (Cynical note: did it work? We didn't exactly turn away from our oppressor/oppressed dynamics in the wake of his sacrifice, even those who follow him.)

Quote of the day: "It takes zero grace to relate to someone who looks, thinks, acts, and believes just like you." (And then something about grace being the key in tearing down walls.)

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