Inspiration! Roundup: New Questions, Falling For Things, Passport Photos, and More!

A roundup of inspirational things including the outdoors, Charlie Chaplin's poetry, and more
This Week's "I want to go to there": Just one more camping trip before summer is officially over?
Photo by Jonathan Forage.

New Questions

I am always looking for alternative small talk ideas, but most are socially weird or even more invasive than just going ahead and asking your colleague if they and their partner are having unprotected sex in the hopes of conceiving a child.

Here's another roundup of great options! Some of these also fall outside of socially normal chatter -- the only setting a question like, "what would it be like to be different tomorrow?" seems natural is a counsellors office -- but I like some of them! Top picks: What do you wish you did more/less of today? What's something interesting that happened today? What are you excited for this week?

Falling For ... Something

This art installation features performers who are frozen in falling positions for six hours. I wish I could have seen it in person!

Passport Photos

What could be going on outside the frame of those bland passport photos? Photographer Max Siedentopf came up with some ideas. (Click through to the second picture to see it!)

Sled Dog Body Positivity

I love this Twitter thread on the lessons in body positivity the writer learned from having sled dogs.

Spoiler: it is an object lesson in how every body is different, not just on the surface, but deep in their composition, abilities, and needs. And a glorious reminder it is.

Loving Yourself

This poem by Charlie Chaplin, titled "As I Began to Love Myself" made the rounds on my Facebook feed about a week ago.

Freaking A, it's a good one. Here's a snippet:

As I began to love myself
I quit trying to always be right,
and ever since
I was wrong less of the time.
Today I discovered that is Modesty.

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