This Week in Church: How to be holy

Welcome to the series wherein I share my take-aways from church. The things that, I think, are beneficial to all of us to know or think about, whether or not we believe in any church-related things.

I think that church can teach things that are beneficial to everyone, whether or not we believe in church-related things.

This week in church, we talked about holiness.

We talked about how holiness isn't about maintaining silly, repressive, or restrictive purity rules, but about being truthful, vulnerable, and open. Living transparently without compensating for who we are.

Sounds a bit scarier than picking a list of rules to try to follow, doesn't it?

This week in church, we talked about next steps.

I like this approach in general. Whenever you are confronted with a new way of being or looking at the world, a great question to ask yourself is, "what's my next step?" This, as opposed to imagining yourself at the end of the road, perfectly accomplishing whatever you seek, seems useful and manageable.

Suggested next steps for living a more holy life include moving from concealing our sin (or shame/darkness) to confessing it and moving from defending the old to embracing the new.

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