Inspiration! Roundup: Un-diversifying groceries, pen and thread art, funny condoms, Kathleen Hanna, and more!

This week's "I want to go to there" is flamingoes, which is weird, probably.
This week's "I want to go to there": flamingoes. Is that weird? I am kind of into flamingoes these days.
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Un-Diversifying Groceries

One of Germany's biggest grocery chains, Edeka, pulled all foreign foods off its shelves to make a statement about racism and diversity. All over the store, shelves are virtually (or completely) empty with signs saying "Without diversity, this shelf is rather boring", or "Our selection knows borders today." I love it when companies find ways to make xenophobia and racism tangible to the world. It's brilliant!

Five Truths

Here are five truths that, according to Buddhism, will make you a better person. I think they've got a pretty good point. A basic summary: worrying is useless, see reality for what it is, be active in our change, stop seeking temporary feelings, and meditate.

Pen and Thread

Nuria Riaza's art, made with a ballpoint pen and embroidery, is quite magical.

A post shared by Nuria Riaza (@nuriariaza) on

Do You Have a Surge Protector?

Teen sex ed is pretty important - if you want to reduce pregnancies, STIs, and abortions, anyways. American nonprofit Diverse & Resilient partnered with a marketing firm to create condoms named by teens. It's hilarious! There are condoms called surge protectors, snake sweaters, and balloon tower defence. This should spread.

The Sun and the Moon

I realize that the eclipse is now old news, but the sun and the moon are still beautiful siblings in the sky, right? Please please please go look at this stunning collection of illustrations made by ten Indian folk and tribal artists. They are so beautiful.

She's Not Wrong

Found on Reddit. Source unknown.

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