This Week's "I want to go to there": I want to go browse a bookstore and not think about anything but the lovely books in front of me! Photo by Kenny Luo. |
Whatever Makes You Less Sad
In case you were wondering. (Comic by The Ghost of April Hill.)
Homemade Art
You may have seen this when it was circulating a little while ago, but Getty Museum asked people to recreate their favourite works of art at home, using stuff they had around the house. It's joyous.
Exquisite Corpse
Choreographers from around the world worked in a chain to create one dance.
When in Doubt
“When in doubt tell the truth.”
— Mark Twain
Default to Kindness
One etiquette expert has suggested starting any difficult email or text with the words "please default to kindness when you read this."
I love the general concept of defaulting to kindness as well as an attempt to aid the person in reading a message in the intended tone. However, my contrarian nature means that anyone suggesting I default to kindness will automatically leave me feeling annoyed. Something in the phrasing implies that I wouldn't otherwise be kind and then I feel a little defensive about it, so then I would have to try to re-read the phrase itself with a sort of forced kindness before I continued.
So this is a good idea, but let's workshop the text itself.
Animals Take Over
Russian artist Vladim Solovyov has embraced a surreal time of life by ramping up the weird. His images of giant animals roaming around cities are whimsical and just what I needed to look at.
(via Colossal.)
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