This week in church we talked about the movie Eighth Grade.
Because we're hip like that. But just so you know, that's where all the rest of this stuff comes from.This week in church we talked about our deepest desires.
You know those moments when you become fully aware of some deep desire living in your heart? And you just have to sit with that feeling of wanting and emptiness?No solutions here, just a recognition that we all have deep longings nestled in the bottoms of our hearts. Probably for things like acceptance and love.
Do you think we ever have enough love?
This week we talked about being in the middle of who we are.
Nelson Boschman, the speaker of the sermon, asked, "Who gets to tell me who I am?"The kneejerk reaction is that nobody gets to tell me who I am. That I get to decide who I am just like you get to decide who you are.
But then there's the moment in Eighth Grade when her father tells her, "If only you could see you as I see you", and watching it, we all know he is right. And he can only see it because he's not her.
Then we remember that we are so in the middle of our lives that maybe we can't really see ourselves accurately, either.
"We are inextricably middled in our own story." - David Jeffrey
We aren't seeing the big picture or the context. We don't know what comes next. We just sit with this jumble of desires and hope and maybe we need someone else to tell us who we are sometimes.
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