Luckily, there is an antidote! The WomanAgainstFeminism Twitter feed is glorious and inspiring. What better way to point out how absolutely batpoo crazy something is than pretending to take its side? I like to imagine the neighbours/roommates/partner of this clever woman hearing constant, low-level laughter coming from her room every evening while she sits down with an artisanal G&T to compose some tweets.
Some of my favourites:
I don’t need feminises what do women want? nobody knows! do they want spaghetti? do they want equality? do they want koalas? nobody can know
— WomanAgainstFeminism (@NoToFeminism) October 1, 2014
I don’t need femisms men & women are just naturally good at different things like men are better at taking all the power & subjugating women
— WomanAgainstFeminism (@NoToFeminism) October 1, 2014
I don’t need feimsns if women don’t want to be sexually assaulted they should be CAREFUL & stay SOBER & wear a PANTSUIT & never go OUTSIDE
— WomanAgainstFeminism (@NoToFeminism) September 30, 2014
I don’t need fimeism men drink beer, women drink wine, and femisists drink a cocktail of Male Tears & Blood called a Manhatin
— WomanAgainstFeminism (@NoToFeminism) September 29, 2014
I don’t need femisms because femisists don’t think women should cook for their families. I have had my oven stolen 700 times by a femisist!!
— WomanAgainstFeminism (@NoToFeminism) September 28, 2014
i don’t need femimes because femisst vegetarians make silken tofu out of the flesh of men. TO FUck up the male population!!!!
— WomanAgainstFeminism (@NoToFeminism) September 28, 2014
I don’t need femiims I LIKE not being able to leave my drink unattended at any point it really works out my wrist muscles to carry it around
— WomanAgainstFeminism (@NoToFeminism) September 27, 2014
i don’t need femins i love chivalrous acts like when men give me their seat on the bus or intrude into my personal space on the bus
— WomanAgainstFeminism (@NoToFeminism) September 25, 2014
I don’t need femismsi because femismis are all misandrist lesbians and all their softballs are made from the soft pliable flesh of testicles
— WomanAgainstFeminism (@NoToFeminism) September 24, 2014
I don’t need femims a fun way to insult a rival sports team is to compare them to women lol they’ll get so mad imagine being a woman! gross!
— WomanAgainstFeminism (@NoToFeminism) September 22, 2014
I don’t need feims women are so dumb for liking makeup & fashion hold on my husband is arguing online about the color of the new Batman suit
— WomanAgainstFeminism (@NoToFeminism) September 21, 2014
Can you be arrested for a non-physical offense?
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