Somehow this image seemed right for this post. Photo by Joel Tasche. |
"In the morning I drinkcoffee until I can seea way to love lifeagain. It's okay, there'sno difference betweenflying and thinkingyou're flyinguntil you land."
I love everything about this poem. It's called Suggested Donation by Heather Christle.
There is more:
"SomehowI own like six nail clippersand I honestly can'tremember ever buyingeven one. My sistercame to visit andsaw them in a smallwooden bowl. Iheard her laughing inthe bathroom. I hopeshe never dies. There'sno harm in hopinguntil you land."
It's so wonderful and painful, isn't it? It makes me want to give up and embrace life all at the same time.
(PS: This isn't the whole poem! Someone named @lighghghght shared it!)
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