By Now, I Should Have a Doctorate, So I'm Claiming It

An animated gif video of a woman holding a magnifying glass over one eye, so that it's larger. She holds her head still and just moves her eyes side-to-side, like she's looking for something shifty.

Here's a fun thing I realized: I basically transitioned straight from being a teenager and young adult who would hold her face inches from a mirror examining her acne to an adult (am I still a young adult or am I just an adult now?) who holds her face inches from a mirror scrutinizing her skin for fine lines and for whisker hairs PLUS still the occasional acne outbreak.

I wonder, at what point did I put in my 10,000 hours of up-close skin-surveillance? Maybe I should find an honorific to communicate this expertise with the world.

Yes, I am Andrea Loewen, SS (Skin Scrutiny).

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